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I wrote my first article as a professional Author in 2019, and have continued to produce interesting and relevant stories ever since. I have the experience to explain complex issues and topics in a clear, engaging, and relevant style. See examples of my latest work below.

Laptop Writing

Your Novel and How To Start Writing It

February 8, 2019

Where to start?

Nearly all writers and authors are avid readers, and they tend to write the same genre they read. This is probably why you are reading this article right now, you love to read and are itching to write but have no clue where to start. Hopefully, this will help you.


Every writer must start somewhere. In most cases, it's an idea that has been nagging at them for days upon days, demanding to be written. However, that isn't always the case; sometimes it's just an overbearing desire to write something... anything.


An Introduction to Witchcraft

February 15, 2019

What Do You Mean . . . Witchcraft?

Did I just put a spell on you? Highly unlikely . . . well, at least not in the sense you might be thinking. Not everyone can be 'Harry Potter'. Witchcraft used to be about healing and aiding others by providing herbal medicines, but in this day and age much has changed. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely rituals, spells and potions involved with witchcraft. However, waving a wand and reciting an incantation for instant magic? That is pure fiction.


There are many 'paths' one can take as a 'witch'. What is the collective noun for a bunch of witches? An argument! Just a little witch humour before we move onto more serious matters.

Person Writing

The Difficulties of Self-Publishing 

July 12, 2019

Why do people self-publish?

Self-publishing has exploded on the internet over the last few years, with Amazon and other companies expanding their self-publishing capabilities and new websites opening themselves up to self-publishing.


But why do people go down the self-publishing route instead of traditional publishing? To be honest that's an easy question to answer ... because it's easier and quicker to get their book out there to be read by the masses and make money. But is it the best option? Well, that depends entirely on your circumstances. People with limited money and limited mobility are big on the self publishing scene, as it's cheap and easy to access. There are those that see it as a way to make a bit extra cash on the side or those that want to test the market, or even those that just do it for fun. There are so many reasons; they couldn't all be put down in this blog post. The most popular is that it's cheaper and easily accessible.

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Why is Meditation Important In Witchcraft?

August 02, 2019

Why Should You Meditate?

When you first consider the path of Witchcraft, many will dive right in and not think about training the mind or their focus. You believe it’s all about the books, the spells, the magic and being part of a community however, the mind is an extremely important tool to the craft.


A lot of younger adults and in most cases teenagers, and those new to the craft and eager to get started will ask outright—do I really need to meditate? Honestly, that is not always easy to give a definite answer of yes. Why? Because not all paths require such intense focus, it all depends on what your intended path involves. However, personally, I believe that meditation is the key to focusing the mind, the will and thus the power within.

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